Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Bridging Social Sciences Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Bridging Social Sciences - Assignment Example Some crimes may be committed in the name of honor, female genital mutilation and other traditional practices that have proved harmful to the lives of the women like forced marriages. Some violence against women may be penetrated by the state or state officials for example sexual slavery, forced displacement at workplaces and trafficking of the women for the purposes of sexual and economic exploitations that may result into violation of human rights of women Violence against women is a vice that is collectively an act that is committed exclusively against women. Some times this type of violence targets a specific group of people with gender victims as main motive (Owoh, K., 1998). Violence against women has been a manifestation of unequal power relation between women and men making it to become a crucial social mechanism through which women are forced in the subordinate positions when compared to men. The calculated data resulting from the motivated violence against women by their intimate partners are estimated to have greater impact both on the direct and indirect individual and public costs. These costs are related to suffering health issues, employment cost among very many other issues. The main cause of domestic violence against women has been struggle for power. The consequence of this vice of the domestic violence against women may be both psychological and physical and may be so devastating that to some people it might be seen as some form of torture. Because of the pervasiveness and the prevalence of this vice in almost all parts of the world, domestic violence has become too common that it affects not only women and their children but also affects the entire community As a result of the pervasiveness of the vice of domestic violence against women in almost all parts of the world, the society must consider and react to this vice with a comprehensive

Monday, February 10, 2020

Race and Gender Roles Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Race and Gender Roles - Movie Review Example The reflective lyrics makes Knowles envision herself in the role of her disregarding guy as is in the lyrics "I'd put myself first/ And make the rules as I go/ 'Cause I know that she'd be faithful/ Waitin' for me to come home." However, the wife is shown to be relentlessly trying to understand her husband and making excuses for him but it is never the other way around. It shows how a woman feels through the eyes of herself. It uses technique of making the man sit at home and act like a wife by running behind her all the time. If it were shot otherwise, the wife may not have looked as dismal and ignored as a husband did in this video. This fact not only shows the perspectives the society has long built up but also the insensitive attitude toward them. According to a review: "The lyrics are both a lament for misunderstanding between the genders and an indictment of the male side of relationships. It's a perfect follow up to the independent attitude of B'Day and lays the groundwork for another exploration of what it means to be a woman in the world today. The pain of experience is palpable counter-balanced somewhat by a sense of hope that progress can still be made." The video disregards any observable aspects race may have played in such a situation.